Friday, April 27, 2012

gunmetal & daisy petals

the reason behind the name.
i figured you must be curious as to why i chose it for my title.
well, let me tell you.
for starters,
coming up with a blog name is not easy.
when deciding your blog name you want it to encompass the essence of your blog, and of course, you.
well, mainly me. because it's me i'm writing about.
for example,
my previous blog was titled the diamond in the rough.
it fit at the time.
it described the way i saw myself, and it worked because my birth stone just so happens to be a diamond. (april fools baby, holla!)
but it was soooo high school. especially for a college girl like me.
& although i can still compare myself to a diamond in the rough at times,
i'd like to think i'm a bit more badass than that.
like a badass with a sweet side..
like a badass who enjoys baking decadent goods and painting nails..
like a badass who wears floral prints and a retainer.
i don't think you could pick anything that contrasted more.
hence the name gunmetal & daisy petals.
essence= captured.

1 comment:

  1. love this. love you. i am rooting for this here blog of yours.
